Apple Montessori Schools
After School Daycare / Extra Curricular Progams

About Our After School Programs

All Apple Montessori Schools offer an After School Daycare program as well as After School Extra Curricular Programs. These programs are offered only to students who are enrolled in Apple Montessori School.

After School Daycare or Extended Day

After School Daycare is held at each location from 3:45 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. During these extended hours the children are supervised by Apple employees as they participate in snack, outdoor play and organized games. Some locations will offer an After School Academic Enrichment program as well.

Extra Curricular Programs

Extra Curricular Programs are optional programs offered at various locations at different times throughout the school year. apple contracts with outside companies for these programs and therefore we have obtained the best fees possible for our parents; however we do not take responsibility for these fees or services. the programs will vary from school to school, so please contact your school directly.

Current list of After School Curricular Programs

Please call your Apple location directly for specific programs and schedules.


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