Apple Montessori Schools
Infant Program

About the Infant Program

InfantThe infant program serves children from the ageof six weeks until the age of 18 months. The program is designed to duplicate the loving care and gentle stimulation that an infant needs to grow and develop to his or her full potential. Flexible scheduling allows each child to eat, sleep, or play according to his or her own natural timetable.

"The child is truly a miraculous being, and this should be felt deeply by the educator."

Maria Montessori

The ratio of children to adults is never more than four to one with each child being assigned to a “primary care giver” who monitors that child’s schedule and communicates the child’s accomplishments, tendencies, and concerns to the parent on a daily basis.

Our goal is to provide warm loving care just as you would if you were with your child during the day. We firmly believe in the need for open and thorough communication between the caregiver and the home to provide secure, loving care for each child and confidence for each parent.

As your child approaches 18 months of age we will begin arranging visits to the toddler room to ease the transition to this new and exciting stage of development. Some children may be ready for the greater social interaction of the toddler program sooner while others may need the security of the infant program longer. As always, our thoughts will be shared with you, the parents, as we work together to provide the best program and choices for your child.


Child looking in mirrorThe room is tastefully decorated and equipped to provide freedom of movement and gentle stimulation. All equipment and toys are washed daily to prevent the spread of germs. Food is refrigerated and then heated in a microwave or bottle warmer as necessary. Each child has his or her own sleeping area and all items such as bottles, pacifiers, diapers, sheets, and so on are labeled and stored separately.


During the day the children are held and cuddled. Each is fed by his or her primary caregiver. Each child spends time interacting with mobiles or toys and in “playtime” with a loving adult. The children are taken outside for fresh air as long as the weather is appropriate. Simple songs, finger plays, and stories are part of the day. Adults smile and interact with individual children to insure that a strong emotional bond exists and to stimulate the development of speech for each child.


Infant classes are available year round from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pleaes see our locations for availability.


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