Apple Montessori Schools
Elementary Program

About the Elementary Program

"The elementary child has reached a new level of development. Before he was interested in things: working with his hands, learning their names. Now he is interested mainly in the how and why... the problem of cause and effect. The role of education is to interest the child profoundly in an external activity to which he will give all of his potential. "

Maria Montessori

We offer the elementary program at the 25 Nevins Road Wayne location. The Wayne program offers grades one through sixth grade.

Again, children are in multi-aged classrooms, with a curriculum that covers a three-to- five year span to allow for great flexibility and individual instruction in accordance with the child’s ability and potential. Any individual child may be working on an advanced level in math, for example, while also working at grade level in science or slightly below grade level in another area. This flexibility allows each child to progress at his or her own pace. However, at the elementary level, we are more insistent that children are closely monitored to assure appropriate progress in all areas of study. Mixed age groupings afford students the opportunity to work at their own pace, explore new challenges and develop their role as resourceful, self-disciplined learners.

The program focuses on critical thinking, problem solving and cooperative learning skills through individual and small group instruction. Materials and presentations are designed to stimulate the imagination while developing the mastery of essential learning skills.

The interdisciplinary curriculum integrates subjects Girls at the playgroundinto a unified program of study and includes:

The elementary program is based on the “Great Lessons” of Montessori education which are:

These stories are presented at the beginning of each year and provide a framework for all that is to come. Through the Great Lessons, the children gain an appreciation for the contributions of past generations in all that has been handed down to them in literature, math, the arts, science, and history. The children come to understand that the subjects they study in school are living bodies of knowledge, created by earlier people, and also realize that they too will someday contribute their own skills and talents to this ongoing saga of human endeavor. The stories give a historical reference to the beginnings of civilization and to our human need to explore and understand the world around us.

By working with timelines, models of the solar system, materials for classifying phyla and species of living organisms, puzzle and pin maps, manipulative math games, and independent research from the internet and other sources, the children become active, self-motivated learners.

The curriculum is supported by field trips to area museums and special events such as International Day or the Science or Social Studies Fairs. We strive to ensure that learning is fresh, meaningful, and relevant to each child’s interests and educational needs.Jungle Gym

We are extremely proud of the fact that for more than thirty years, ninety percent of our students have scored above the ninetieth percentile on standardized tests which are given in the spring of each year.

Our goal is to support the development of each child in all areas – academically, socially, physically, and emotionally. To that end, we provide instruction in the arts, both in school and through monthly trips to the Montclair Art Museum; physical education instruction and an annual Field Day event; music theory and appreciation classes as well as optional individual instruction on the instrument of choice. A formal foreign language class is offered as well as many after-school activities. Currently we support both the Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts which meet in school, as well as a Chess Club, and soccer program.

In the older grades there is a gradual developmental shift to abstract thinking, utilizing specific curriculum and materials that help support this passage. This rich learning environment is responsive to varied individual needs and learning styles. Each subject area begins with a broad overview after which specific details are researched and added, creating greater depth and understanding. This approach facilitates critical thinking and open-mindedness in learning. It enables students to connect and relate content information more effectively within and across disciplines. On this level, students begin to take a more active role in the school-based community service activities, helping to see themselves within the context of a larger social scheme.



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