Apple Montessori Schools
FasTracKids Program

Benefits of Our FasTracKids Program

FasTracKids can do three very unique things for your child!

  1. Raise a child's I.Q. - up to 30 points.
  2. FasTracKids' enhancement of your child's growth in education and communication skills compliments Apple Montessori perfectly!
  3. With Fastracks, the transition into a highly successful public or private school education is virtually guaranteed for your child.

FastracksAs some of you know, my background includes a career in the computer industry, positions in the education field as President of the Kinnelon Board of Education, as well as being a member of the Morris Country Board of Education.

In those capacities, I have spent a great deal of time evaluating new programs which can improve what I believe is a unique and cutting edge approach to education, which we employ here at Apple Montessori.

Fastracks ChildAt this time, it is with great joy and anticipation that I announce to you a joint venture with an established corporation, which will bring to you and your child a computer program with education and child development skill building. It works perfectly with Apple Montessori's curriculum. In fact, the synergism of the two systems will offer multiple enhancements far beyond the potential of each program on its own. Also, to add to the creativity and uniqueness of the system, it will all be on the Internet monthly for our parents to interact, contribute and follow the progress of their child. To say it is very exciting to us is a big understatement!

Rex C. Bailey Signature

Rex C. Bailey


© 2013 Apple Montessori Schools


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