Apple Montessori Schools
Toddler Program

About the Toddler Program

"It is necessary, then, to give the child the possibility of developing according to the laws of his nature, so that he can become strong, and, having become strong, can do even more than we dared hope for him."- Maria Montessori

ToddlerThe emphasis during the toddler years (18 months to 2 years) is on building self-confidence and fostering the natural curiosity that toddlers possess. Songs, stories, simple materials, a gentle pace, and a deep respect for each child ensure that your toddler will truly love his or her school environment and, from that, develop a deep and long lasting love for learning.

At all levels we believe that clear communications between the teacher and the parents is essential for the child’s well being but this is particularly important during the toddler years when children reach and surpass so many milestones in their development. Careful anecdotal records are kept on each child so that we can share with you all of your child’s accomplishments and successes! Frequent and open communications will keep our staff well-informed about any concerns or questions you may have about your child. We, in turn, hope that you will come to rely on our experience with children as a resource as you develop strong parenting skills.


ToddlerEach Toddler classroom is especially designed to provide a beautiful, nurturing environment for your child’s first experience away from home. The furniture is child-sized and the materials are meticulously maintained and carefully chosen to meet the developmental needs of children at this age.


The daily schedule is intentionally unobtrusive and provides plenty of opportunities for learning, cuddling, napping, or socializing. The children spend time both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting), and the teachers are well-qualified to observe and respect the individual needs and temperaments of each child. Full time and part time classes are available year round. See our locations for availability.



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